
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Exclusive Interview with Aspiring Hip Hop Titan Squence

Rap Juggernaut Sequence Answers from the Heart in Exclusive Interview

(You Can't Deny Greatness: Rapper Sequence)

Give us some background info as to who you are.

I’m a Hip Hop Recording Artist/ Song Writer/Producer. I am also the CEO Of my own independent Record Label "Gorilla Mode Music" I was born in the Bronx New York and raised in New Jersey. I had ups and downs in my life that made me the man I am today and gave me the desire to tell my story through music. I’m also a Video Game/Movie Addict (LoL) and I've been writing and recording music since I was 16. Some say my work ethic is insane when it comes to completing a music project. But you only get back what you put into a project, so I give 100% every time.

What sets you apart from other aspiring rappers?

What sets me apart would be my work ethic and my desire to achieve what I have set out to do, wether it be during the writing process of a song or the editing process. I really enjoy writing creative lyrics. When it comes to music you can never be satisfied and you can never sit back and rely on one record to make your career because it could be the record you least expect that blows up. When I write a song I put my self in a fan's perspective and I try to visualize their response.

What is the philosophy by which you live by?

My philosophy is "Live life to the fullest. and just be your self ; don't try to mimic everybody else."

Which artists have inspired you?

There's a lot of artists that inspire me. Music in general inspires me. However, a few that stand out would definitely be Big pun, Eminem, Nas, and Jay-Z. I'm also an oldies fan and a big fan of 80's music.

Who does your production?

I do most of my own production
But I also like to work with upcoming producers.

What is your opinion of the current state of Hip Hop?

I feel Hip Hop is slowly bouncing back. But, it's a different industry than it was 10 years ago. Records aren't selling the way they used to and A&R's are scared to death to take a shot with a new artist if he ain't buzzing in certain areas or has a strong co-sign. But I feel Hip Hop will always be around. As much as rap music changes, so do the artists themselves for better or for worse.

If you can change one thing about the music industry what would it be and why?

I would definitely make sure some of these A&R's get there jobs reevaluated. Some of the choices they make on artist selection and some of the artist they pass up on is mind boggling to me. Some of these industry people only see the present and not the future. Look at an artist like Kanye. Only a few saw the future sound of music he was bringing to the table. I remember everybody was like what's this guy wearing and now those same people are dressing like him. I would just make sure these labels hire the right people for the right job. There's a lot of talent out there that gets over looked by poor judgement.

What can we expect from you within the next 5 years?

You can expect a lot of great music. I write songs and lyrics every single day. Over the next 5 years you will see many mixtapes from me, a few albums and my production on projects from artists around the world.

Are there any singers that you would like to collaborate with in the future?

I would like to collaborate with Justin Timberlake, John Legend, Trey songs also Christina Aguilera; she has one of the best voices. I would also like to collaborate with Jadakiss, Nas, Slaughter House, Eminem, Jay Z, J Cole and Busta Rhymes. Busta's energy on records and on stage is incredible.

What producer would you like to collaborate with in the future?

I want to work with Timbaland. He's one of my favorite producers. I enjoy beats that have a nice blend of synths and hard drums.

What is your favorite movie and favorite book?

My favorite book would be "A Brief History In Time" by Stephen Hawkings. I'm a big movie fan, so there's to many to list. But some of my favorites would be The Dark Knight, Goodfellas, The Goonies and all the 80' classics.

What are some major misconceptions that you think people have of you?

People might look at me and think "not another white rapper". That's ignorant, because you can't judge a book by it's cover. I'm actually Puerto Rican and Portuguese and I have a story to tell through my music. I've been on my own since I was 15 years old and I raised
myself. I had to grow up quick and learn a lot about life at a young age. I'm proud of the person I've become and I'm happy for what I've accomplished so far in my life and I cant wait to let the world here my story.

What is your favorite part of your live show? How has it evolved?

I enjoy performing very much. I bring a lot of energy when I'm On stage and give the fans the best show I can possibly give. I appreciate every fan that comes to my shows.

What is your LP going to be like?

My album is available now on iTunes titled "You Can't Deny Greatness". This album is my life story from the trials and tribulations I faced growing up to my present state in life. It's a complete album with no fillers. Every song is well written and produced and I'm very proud of the finished product.

What is your website?

My sites are:

Any final words for the people?

I would like to say Thank you for the interview and I had a conversation with the Hip Hop legend himself "KRS 1" a few weeks ago and he told me to "keep Hip Hop Alive" So I'm gonna end it on that note.

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